Wednesday, April 02, 2014
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Ripple Effects E-News

Summer 2013 Issue of Ripple Effects- CFWE's e-newsletter

Touring and Learning with CFWE
Water Radio Programming
Water Leaders Update

September 27: Land and Water Tour

October 8-11: Sustaining CO Watersheds Conference

October 8: Collecting Evidence of Your Impact

October 25: Water/Energy Tour

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Our mission is to promote better understanding of Colorado's water resources and issues by providing balanced and accurate information and education.

1580 Logan Street Suite 410 Denver, CO 80203 303-377-4433


Touring and Learning with CFWE

Through tours, workshops and conferences CFWE's work examines various water related values-- get ready for a fun-filled fall. Learn more about upcoming programs by clicking on the links below. If you have questions, send your interest to Kristin Maharg at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

September 27: Explore how water development and land use planning interact on this Land and Water South Metro Tour. We'll visit Rueter-Hess Reservoir, Castle Rock, Sterling Ranch and other intriguing sites. Learn how the region is transitioning to renewable water supplies and looking towards innovative approaches in managing urban growth.  south metro tour
October 8-10: Registration is now open, and scholarships available for the 8th annual Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference in Avon, CO. The conference will explore how baseline shifts in demographics, climate and precipitation, technology, use of water and land, and public perceptions are affecting Colorado's watersheds. watersheds conf 

October 8: Workshop: Collecting Evidence of Your Impact. Join CFWE for this free workshop with our new Water Educator Network at the Sustaining Colorado Watersheds Conference at the Westin Riverfront in Avon, CO.


With generous support from Xcel Energy, CFWE will improve the understanding of Colorado water issues within youth and adult audiences statewide by increasing the amount, quality and effectiveness of water education in various communities. Join us for the Network's premiere workshop!

October 25: Energy/Water Tour coming soon! This unique on-the-ground learning opportunity will lead you into northeastern Colorado's Denver-Julesburg Basin where you'll see and hear about water use as it relates to innovative energy operations. Agenda and registration coming soon.

On Air & Web: Connecting the Drops Water Radio Programming

To enhance your understanding of water's role in Colorado, we're bringing you the quality non-biased water information you crave over your radio airwaves. That's right! We've partnered with community radio stations across Colorado to create water programming each month. Listen now to stories on groundwater in the San Luis Valley and Rethinking Reservoirs, and stay tuned for programs on agriculture, the energy/water nexus, a call-in show and much more.

In Print: Headwaters Magazine Renewing the Future of the Rio Grande Basin

Learn about water in Colorado's Rio Grande Basin with the latest edition of Headwaters. Focus on the beautiful and water-short San Luis Valley's groundwater crisis, capitalizing on limited reservoir storage, holistic land management and more. View the Summer 2013 edition now!


Stay tuned! Our newest Water/Energy issue of Headwaters will be available soon-- just in time for our water/energy tour.

On the Blog: Climate Change, the Shrinking Colorado and more 

The Your Water Colorado Blog has been ripe with interesting content. From our story on the Shrinking Colorado:
...Friday’s announcement by the Bureau of Reclamation about the unprecedented alarm on the Colorado has brought new urgency to the slow shrinking of river flows. Read more

Colorado Water Leaders Update

CFWE's 2013 cohort of Water Leaders, a diverse and talented group of mid-level professionals are soon to wrap up and graduate from their program come September. The group will take their new leadership and critical thinking skills out into the world of water-- Congratulations! Take a look at photos of the waterleaders on Facebook or our website and stay tuned... applications for the 2014 class will soon be available!

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Support for the Colorado Foundation for Water Education is tax-deductible and provides numerous benefits, including discounts on publications and event registrations. Your membership supports development of new publications, outreach efforts across the state, and critical operational needs.