Wednesday, April 26, 2017
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After the Flood: A year later remembering the September 2013 flooding


The town of Lyons was one of the hardest hit in the 2013 floods. While the town has recovered in numerous ways in the past 12 months, many residents are still displaced and the way forward is still uncertain:

 Bonnie Sue House 1

Listen to the Story  

Pair Sound with Sight 

Bonnie Sue House 1
Bonnie Sue Hitchcock's house in Lyons was in one of the area's hardest hit: the confluence.
Bonnie Sue House 3
To get a building permit, houses rebuilding in the confluence area must be elevated several feet.
Bonnie Sue House 5
Many residents are still mired in a complex rebuilding process-- waiting on building permits and insurance settlements.

Take the Next Step: Read & Get Involved

The Colorado Foundation for Water Education wants to help you speak fluently about flooding. Check out the following: 

Connecting the Drops Partners

Connecting the Drops is a radio collaboration between the Colorado Foundation for Water Education and Colorado Community Radio Stations KGNU, KDNK and KRCC.

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 Support for 2017 programming comes from CoBank

1750 Humboldt Street, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80218