Statewide Water News

Here are a few of the best:
At the Colorado Foundation for Water Education, we appreciate the opportunity to serve as a go-to expert source on water and to discuss our work and statewide water issues with the media. Below are recent interviews and articles that feature CFWE programs and staff:
June 2016: Colorado Trout Unlimited Blog, On the water bus
March 2016: The Pueblo Chieftain, Plant, water, grow
March 2016: Colorado SDA Newsletter, An introduction to the Colorado Foundation for Water Education
December 2015: News Release, Growing municipal, industrial demand for water to reduce agricultural acres throughout Colorado
May 2015: The Colorado Independent, Coloradans scramble to plan for looming water crisis
September 2013: The Journal Advocate, Documentary maker to study Colorado water issues
August 2014: Connecting the Drops Radio Series, Rethinking Reservoirs
August, 2013: Colorado Way of Life, Grown in Colorado
August, 2013:The Post Independent, Water Lines: Arkansas River Basin hit hard by multi-year drought
July 2013: Connecting the Drops Radio Series, Shrinking Aquifers
July 2013: The Journal Advocate, Platte River tour to teach about water issues
July 2013: Summit County Citizen's Voice, Platte River tour set for this week
July 2013: Scottsbluff, NE Star Herald, Platte River Tour
June 2013: Edible Aspen, Drip Irritation
June 2013: The Summit Daily, A hard-truth tour of Summit County mines highlights sources of pollution
June 2013: The Glenwood Post Independent, Water Lines: A Front Range perspective on Grand Valley water
June 2013: Summit County Citizens Voice, Tour to raise awareness about Colorado River issues
May 2013:Coyote Gulch, CFWE President's Award Reception
April 2013: The Colorado Statesman, Water has statewide, national implications
March 2013: The Denver Post, Colorado farms planning for dry spell losing auction bids for water to fracking projects
January 2013: Colorado Mother of Rivers Rap MP3-- a poem by Justice Gregory Hobbs, rap by Jorge Figueroa, beats by Tristan Giallani
December 2012: Water 2012 Had Impact in Colorado
September 2012: The Valley Courier, Roundtable Funding
September 2012:The Progenitor Literary Magazine article
August 2012: Fort Morgan Times articles, Water Vital to Dairy
August 2012: Colorado Municipalities Magazine article, Speak Fluent Water
May 2012: Interview on Aspen Public Radio (4min)
April 2011: Denver Post article
March 2011: Denver Post article
February 2011: Crested Butte News
June 2010: Cortez Journal article
May 2010: 5280 Magazine Letter to the Editor
April 2010: Interview on Colorado Ag Network's noon show (15min)
February 2010: Sterling Journal-Advocate article
November 2009: article
September 2009: Alamosa Valley Courier article
May 2009: Grand Junction Free Press article
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