All day, everyday, Coloradans depend on energy to meet our basic needs. But for many, energy is simply there when we need it at the turn of a switch-- and out of sight means out of mind. There's a disconnect between production and consumption that fuels a lack of basic understanding about the costs and benefits of producing and using energy. Those providing water to Coloradans empathize, as they struggle with the same public education concerns. Bridge the energy/water divide and speak fluent water with the Colorado Foundation for Water Education. Learn about:
CFWE Energy/Water Resources
Headwaters Magazine
The Fall 2013 issue of Headwaters will teach 10,000 Coloradans how water is used in energy production and how we protect it. Read more here.
Water/Energy Nexus Tour
In November 2013, CFWE spent a day in northeastern Colorado learning about energy operations and innovation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. Learn more about this and other CFWE mini-tours.
Connecting the Drops Radio Program
Listen to radio features on water and energy from Connecting the Drops.
Hydropower on the Colorado River
Energy-Water Nexus Call-in Show