Friday, August 26, 2016
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Winter Water for Dabbling Ducks


Colorado's South Platte River basin is a powerhouse for crops and cattle. Massive reservoirs quench the region's thirst, with farm fields generally first in line. Wildlife? It's often last. But a small win-win is giving waterfowl a little more room at the watering hole. It's a program that creates warm winter ponds for migrating ducks—then gives the water back, in time for summer crops.

 Mallard Mother with Ducklings near  Ducks Unlimited HQ in Fort Collins

Listen to the Story  Transcript

Pair Sound with Sight 

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Card game at Sterling Reservoir.
 Cornfield Near Sterling - Irrigated with Ditch Water and Center Pivot
 Cornfield near Sterling, Colorado—irrigated with ditch water and center pivot.
 Denver Nature Lover Dr Kent Heybourneweb
 Denver nature lover Dr. Kent Heybourne.
Greg Kernohan - Ducks Unlimited
Greg Kernohan with Ducks Unlimited.
Harvested Hay near Sterling Recharge Ponds in summer
Harvested hay near Sterling recharge ponds.
Headwater gates at Sterling Reservoir
Headwater gates at Sterling Reservoir.
In this wet summer this recharge pond near Sterling still has water
Although recharge ponds are mostly dry in the summer, during this wet summer of 2015, this recharge pond near Sterling still
holds water.
Jim Yahn at North Sterling Irrigation District HQ in Sterling
Jim Yahn at North Sterling Irrigation District.
Jim Yahn Measuring to Adjust Reservoir Flow
Jim Yahn measuring to adjust reservoir flow.
Mallard Mother with Ducklings near  Ducks Unlimited HQ in Fort Collins
Mallard mother with ducklings near the Ducks Unlimited office in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Sandy Soil is Good for Recharge Ponds
Sandy soil is good for recharge ponds.

Connecting the Drops Partners

Connecting the Drops is a radio collaboration between the Colorado Foundation for Water Education and Colorado Community Radio Stations KGNU, KDNK and KRCC.

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 Support for 2016 programming comes from CoBank